Well that was a week (out of many), to forget!
Colder than the corner of 23rd and 9th Avenue on a bitterly icy cold day in New York.
That is but a memory.
I didn’t get to go outside, at all, after doing a spectacular death drop in the street 10 days ago!
Thank you for all the get well soon messages, but I think there is an alternative motive to these…Get well so you can get back to work and do our roots! LOL.
Things have improved and I am on just one crutch now, I am still a bit stiff above the knee but definitely on the mend.
I’ll be back, perhaps not like Arnie with a 4×4 through the front window, but with guns blazing.
I have been laid up watching Amazon prime and BBC iplayer.
I can’t stand netty flixxy, as one friend calls it in Hastings, you end up searching for an hour before choosing something you have watched before.
Thursday’s are my day of choice as we do a staff zoom at 7pm and then it’s RU PAUL drag race at 9 pm.
This is a must see.
Now if you don’t know what a death drop is, apart from mine in the icy street, you need to watch Ru Paul contestants lip syncing at the elimination end of the show.
Do not try this at home, or on the street.
It needs years of bitchy tongues, heels, makeup, wigs, outlandish costumes and long legs to get it right.
Then there’s the look of death from Ru Paul and her best one liner,
Don’t F……. it up!
So the lovely Matus, Putney’s manager, went in to Notting Hill salon last Wednesday for me, braving the icy cold to pack up and post away 6 product parcels.

Our online shop is at HERE and with a little help from my Jon, yesterday, we got another 5 away.
I think I will be ok to be in salon this Saturday from 11-2pm if you want to pop by and get anything you need.
Looking forward to seeing some faces.
Speak soon,