Great to see the UK Gold rush at the Olympics, it certainly took the edge of everything going on.
For me the swimming is my favourite as being a competitive swimmer, all my life, I get the training and dedication that is needed.
Twenty years ago I swam at the World Gay Games at the Sydney Olympic pool and even won a Gold medal.
It was in a mixed medley relay and I swam the anchor leg in freestyle.
To get there I joined the OUT to Swim team in London and trained for 10 hours a week for 6 months.
It was a lot of fun as well.
On a Sunday a couple of other swimmers and I used to meet up at the Vauxhall tavern at 5 pm, watch the Dame Edna experience show, dance till 7pm, then bike to the Queen Mother Pool, swim for an hour, and then bike back to the Vauxhall tavern, still with our wrist bands on and dance till midnight.
Out to Swim London is still a very strong, multicultural, club of some 300 swimmers with some ex Commonwealth, Olympic and nationally ranked swimmers.
I loved being part of the team and we went to many international swim meets in Paris, Amsterdam, Manchester, New York and even swam at the London Olympic pool in 2013.
So it was great for our team to win our own kind of Gold medal 2 weeks ago, UK’s Green Salon of the year.
Well we got an awards winner sticker and a certificate and a glass trophy, as modelled by the lovely Michael in Putney.
It sure has taken years of practice and team work and a big support crew and client fan club to get there.
We have some exciting new “Green” incentives coming to both salons, so will tell you next time.
Thanks for all your support.
Speak soon,
PS. The gay games were also nicknamed The Trolley Dolly Olympics! LOL